Thursday, February 13, 2025

E-riting Collection

 Writing For The Soul

Writing The Treehouse Climate Action Poem Prize

I have been on this Earth for some time now, long enough to have noticed something about the world and how it’s going.

I notice how everything around us is changing, for better and for worse, much worse but somehow that's normal. Not just normal actually but growing numb to it.

I don’t know how to explain it but I will do my best so maybe you can see what I mean. 

Keep in mind, I am an artist, a creator at heart, finding inspiration in everything I see and hear, feeling too! 

Take it with a grain of salt, pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg or whatever spice you prefer to digest writings.

So far in my lifetime, I have noticed some details in the environment I currently live in. From the time my family first arrived to another state for a better life til now in the present. 

I remember how the trees appear to be massive giants with an abundance of leaves, creatures of all kinds coming in and out, in broad daylight and late at night. Citizens who owned land have their cattle roam around even in busy streets and hens run loose. 

Squint your eyes in between the shadows of the forests, woods, trees, marshes, there is something whimsical about it. Something alive moves around and about, a little bit of nostalgia creeping in, wanting to explore and uncovered what secrets nature holds. 

Now, I notice that those who have owned land are no longer there. Their spots have been replaced with buildings for businesses or gas stops. The mass numbers of trees overlooking the roads are decreasing as time passes.

It's rare to find animals coming out of the woods besides the squirrels and birds. Somehow there still is something lurking in the trees that would still call to your curiosity. With the trees going out, will secrets be revealed in the light?

To be clear, I’m not suggesting removing all wildlife, trees, plants. I can understand why they need to take down a couple, even a few trees. 

But only if it's a necessity, reasonable necessity. Plus be able to give back to the Earth to keep life going.

Notice how the world around us is changing, starting with the environment. How relics of the past rather they are well known are not losing their place, the mark in time.

Everything is changing so fast and so quickly. Or slow and steady. Nothing is like before, and you have to keep up with the times.

So that's what you do, you look back in your life and see what you can change to keep up with the time, the world.

What CAN you change. Is it something in your career, relationships, your health, daily routine, beliefs, so many things you want to change. Or is there an injustice that needs to be right and joining the fight. 

You start that change, you make a plan, figuring out what you can do and how to do it. Feeling inspired that you are doing this for yourself. 

Determined to accomplish them all but after a few days you start to feel overwhelmed. 

One misshapen or one day gone by that you miss or one bad habit you staring to repeat.

Feeling defeated where you may just want to escape from the world a little.

Sometimes the change can be scary and not up for the, taking that leap of faith, the fear of making change

Feeling life like the Tower Card in tarot. You try to numb yourself to not feel it and go on with the same routine keeping yourself occupied with drama, games, shows and movies, substances.

Even daydreaming can turn into addiction.

Keep this up, outer to inner world you’ll be tired, exhausted, and try to have quick fixes to perk yourself up and keep on going like a cog in a machine. Until you can’t anymore.

Still the world is still changing, rather you make an impact on it or not. 

Women still have to fight for their rights on their bodies, 

Women in Iran who fight for their freedom to be part of the modern world. 

Native Americans who are still fighting to stand up and defend themselves from years of almost being erased from history and present. 

Still finding those who went missing during their previous generation, the small children who were forced to forget their heritage and those who still remember were silence.

People of color out and about making the best of their situation and showing to the world they do matter, they are their own legacy, living their best life and being their best self. 

Yet knowing they have enough courage, willpower, strength to make a change you can either borrow some of that strength to move forward or suppress yourself more.

To those you have been suppressing the urge to change, whatever the reason.

At some point during their journey, look around and ground yourself, after that try making a change for yourself one step at a time.

Being a conscious, considerate decision. Notice how you are trying to escape.

If someone would to tell you you have enough courage, willpower, strength to make a change. WIll you use it to move yourself forward or suppress it where you are stagnated.

To those you have been suppressing the urge to change, whatever their reason maybe.

At some point during your journey, look around and see how the world has change, from where we started to now. 

Do some grounding too! 

After that try making a change for yourself….one step at a time.

Tide Pod Painting

A few weeks ago, I was doing some laundry and was on the last tide pod in the container. Planning to throw it away but I examine it and wonder, “what else I can do with this?”, at that moment I decided to keep it. Though I didn’t do anything with it for a few days after watching some TikTok Videos on painting, that was my goal. I had an idea of how I wanted the design to be but didn’t know how to execute it. I went with the flow and I am glad it turned out very well. Here is how I did it:

I made sure the container was clean, inside and out. Whatever little bit of dirt that was still lingering, I clean it with a Clorox wipe and let it dry.

For most crafters, they’ll take the label off and wipe away whatever glue or adhesive that’s leftover. In my case, I was unsuccessful! It was hard to pull the label off so I just restick it back in place. Not trying to make it more of a hassle.

Grab some of the acrylic paints I have since college during my art program including the palette board and knife. 

Squeeze out some well preserve paint onto the board(which are white, black, orange, red, and blue; Mix colors: blue grey, pink, and light yellow) and started laying down the base coat, I decided to go with pink. 2-3 coats the orange color won’t show. With each layer I let it dry fully which took about 1-2 hours.

Once the layering was complete I started to play around with the paint and decided to paint a red flower on the back and a lovely lady in the front.

After hours of painting and layering, I was happy with how it turned out and came to apply some finish, a protective layer in a way, to make sure all of my efforts don’t just scratch off by a fall or bump. Let it dry and it is done!

*I did do a pre-sketch for the lady using an old silver face mask gel that didn’t work well for my face*

Now I have a wonderfully decorative container to use for whatever. But I will be using this container for storing dried flower petals, as many as I can grab.

Thank you for reading my blog, if you found this inspiring or have done something similar like this, share it!

You have the Heart of A Rose

 Once upon a time, there was a young woman who worked in a college campus cafeteria. She worked in this cafeteria during the weekends when she was attending school. After graduation, she thought it was a good idea to work full time to help make a living for her wants and needs. Sheepishly, she wanted to get some free steak fries as they were her favorite. From the early morning to the late afternoon, she works in the dishroom in the small section where the students will return their dishes, cups, silverware and other mysterious items they left behind. At first, she found the work to be intriguing even though the workload became overwhelming with each passing day. Still keeping a brave face, not letting herself be in despair too quickly, perk herself back up. allowing herself to take a breather whenever she needed to go to the restroom or on her lunch break. She will indulge in her favorite foods and treats and enjoy reading her favorite stories and doodling. Since her work was tied with the school year, the times when the school was closed were the best time for her to recharge and enjoy her hobbies with no interuptions. After a few years, she got the hang of it and developed a workflow.

 A few years went by, doing the same work over and over again, she started to seek other means of living. She pondered about it during her breaks. After reading about creatives who were successful in their careers, she decides what she wants to do. After researching on what skills to obtain, tools and necessities she tested the waters. She went to school to be an artist but was also intrigued with writing and crafts with the themes she adores, legends, myths, and spiritual beings. Putting much of her energy in her passions and making it work for her. Though the head of the family, Gothel, finds her decision to pursue the arts not so beneficial. Even making attempts, comments, and arguments on the matter. Still even Gothel can’t sway her off her path. After a few months of advertising, she manages to get a few small gigs that will allow her to be open with the creative process and paid well, after a while they stop. But enjoys the experience and contemplates whether she should quit and be fully committed with her upcoming adventure. 

 One day she managed to sneak away from the cafeteria to find a grassy spot to lay on until her break was over nibbling on some fries, no longer the steak fries they were famous for but the shoe string. Staring at the sky watching the clouds take shape and form, she was exhausted. Haven’t been advertising herself to gain potential clients, putting more of her energy into her job than her passions. Though she has been showing her work in progress, sketches and doodles, she still hesitates to continue to pursue. Throughout the rest of the day she doubts her abilities and is considering abandoning her dream. As night falls, she tuck herself into bed, drifting to sleep, she dreams of floating in the night sky. Reminding her of Van Goph’s Starry Night, startled she tried to move but with no success. Aimlessly floating around and about. Soon saw a very tall rose, in the rose there was a beautiful black woman with long purple goddess locs and rose buds buns covering her body, eyes closed. Skin glowing from the moonlight, deep shade of rouge and shimmering eye shadow. So awestruck by her beauty, she didn’t realize she was drifting towards her. Getting closer, she saw in her braids small pieces of jewels that were in the shape of stars giving the firefly aesthetic. “She must be some kind of goddess!” the young woman said loudly. “I am in my own right, though not well known to your kind” the goddess spoke with a gentle smile. Startle, the young woman started to drift backwards, rapidly trying to obtain her balance. The goddess gently grasps the young woman's hand to help keep her balance. The goddess spoke, “please don’t be afraid my dear, I only wish to give you some guidance”. The young woman puzzled, “Guidance? For what?” The goddess then opens her eyes and stares at the young woman. “I want to reassure you, the journey you have started is the path for you, see it through and you will soon be at peace” The young woman realized what she is referring “But I don’t know how it will turn out, what if I fail and become the fool who follow a pipe dream?” The goddess stared into her brown eyes, “Your failures can be turned into lessons that will turn into blessings!” The young woman is still wary of pursuing her passions “I...don’t know if I can still pursue it”. The goddess spoke ”Soon you will wake up, before you do, carry this with you”. The young woman notices the night sky disappearing into a white slate, and looks back at the goddess. With her last words, “Be still and let it be known, you have a heart of a rose”. Then everything turns white. With that the young woman woke up with her alarm ringing loudly staring at the ceiling on the cold hardwood floor.

Top 30 Best Aerith Gainsborough Cosplay We’ve Ever Seen

Ying Hai

I said it once and I say it again, Aerith is one of the most beautiful I have ever seen. Even when her enemy around she still shows kindess.

2.Kiara Berry 

I can never get enough of Aerith flowers. I will take one of the lily’s please. Thank you very much.

3. Sarah Quillian

Cloud, I am very touch that you give Aerith a proper burial. I really am, in the lake with all her flowers. You are at rest now Aerith. 

4. Bindi Smalls

Wow, another lovely batch of flowers, you are truly the queen of spring. And you have cloud with you. People must be trying to steal your flowers.

5. LadyxZero

Aerith those leaves matches your jacket so well. They just complement you so well. I not surprise if you haven’t use them in your business. 

6.Laura Niko

Oh look at the lovely couple. Aerith and Zack in their bubbly romance stage. Sparks are flying, literally. 

7. Nana Kuronoma

Aerith what is this?! Some sort of forbidden romance I see going on here. What would Zack think. 

8. Miss Snape

Aerith, you must teach me your flower picking skills. Your flowers are just the loveliest thing I seen. But not as lovely as you. 

9. AidaOtaku

Oh Aerith, if only you stay with use a little longer. Things will be better with you here. But I guess that life, we all have to keep moving forward.

10. Leah DeBerry

Look at Aerith, comforting Zack when he in distraught. We can only dream of having that same relationship in real life. Yes, indeed. 

11. Atelier Heidi

Oh, so this is the mother source of all the flowers. You wouldn’t find if I just pick some over here. Okay, okay, I will not touch any of the flowers, please put the staff down.

12. San-Chi Cosplay

Wow, Aerith in a different dress, are you waiting for someone. Wait, what, what, WHAT! Oh my goddness, he is PROPOSING!!!

13. Stephanie Rianne

Aerith, you look lovely in this sunlight. An your bouquet just compliment you so well. You are a true goddess of the spring. 

14. Salemingly

Aerith, I just adore you flower crown. But I do feel your pain, I would hate for someone to damage my garden too. If I had one..

15. AliceNero

Wow, another batach of lilies and they are glowing. You must got them over at that pond. Good thinking, they will sell for sure.

16. Princess Soffel

Wow! Aerith, not all the flowers in the world can compare to your beauty. And you skin is surprisingly gleaming.

17. Aelyin-Cosplay

Aerith must be waiting on your teammates or a special someone. I see you brushing your strand your hand back. 

18. SkyNight

Another assortment of flowers. Everyone will like to buy these. Aerith, when it comes to flowers, you pick the best ones. 

19. LunaSong23

Pray above to aid your teammates in battle. And pray for everyone for their health and better future.

20. Arte Mictlan

Now Aerith don’t be in the dumps. Go to a nice sunny spot to cheer you up. There that’s much better. And there is a basket waiting for you there.

21. AshreiMew

Wow, Aerith you must be lifting weights for you told hold cloud sword. Believe me, that sword weights a tone. I guess praying works.

22. Cosplay Kitten

I know the feeling Aerith. Waiting for your friends to show up. Then play it cool like nothing happened.

23. Sophie-Art

Picking those flowers to sell must be tiring. Take a nice nap, you deserve after all that hard work.

24. BloodyCoffee

Another basket of flowers, Aerith. Your business must be booming if there is a high demand for flowers. 


What a lovely basket of flowers! Aerith giving thanks for the wonderful flowers this spring.

26. Joaine

See Aerith can be both, a sweetheart and a badass. I say we all don’t get on her bad side.


Oh my goodness, how do you make it levitate. Aerith, please teach me. I must know, is it from the flowers!

28. Narga-Lifestream

Even if Aerith change outfits she still looks beautiful. Looks so peaceful and calm in her own little world.

29. Dragunova Cosplay

There is Aerith ready to fight. With her staff in hand she will be victorious and triumph. Any foes that hurt her friends.

30. Lady Cho

One of the things I admire of Aerith is her sweet smile. Bringing a little sunshine our way. And brining a basket of flowers.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

I hope this bring someone a good laugh, because that what happening to me right now!:smiling_face_with_tear: :rofl: :sob: I have remember asking anyone here in the astrology cafe if they had live on or near close to a Saturn Line. I wanted to know what its like since the song Saturn by Sza got me in a trance to belience Saturn would had many benefits. However, I left it alone for awhile because I still couldn't comprehend the Astrography map. It wasn't until I found one of my old books from high school "Mystic Medusa's Astro guide: what your friends won't tell you, your sun sign will", to look up the author to see if they had a website, check our their blog to see an post about plant lines. First one to be talk about is Saturn, which THEN lead me back to check my chart again! Tell me how I didn't see I was born on a Saturn Line and their an angel number: 222!!!!!!! I'm going to post a link on the blog post but freakin :rofl::rofl::rofl: this describe my life thus far: 

This is a screen shot of my chart on Astrodentist, You have to go into Horescopes to find Astroclick for your Astrocartography Chart: 

Monday, December 9, 2024

When Life Speaks, Wanderers Listen: Trusting the Journey

Log 12824, 9:09pm

Hi! I'm Lady Wander, welcome to my blog! I'm a simple wanderer, striving to be the improver in life while also enjoy living life. Following some spirit/divine god/goddess guidance. 

It has been a day! Had to go into neutral mode cause something was making my intuition acting up. Anyone who is on the spiritual/witchy path will tell you. DEFENSES UP!!!! 

Got my answer close to the end of the day. This person who I will called Gothel-Cathal went off on me about my attire, I mean, its a typical rage outburst of negtaive commentary. KIM(Keep In Mind): its was just jeans, t-shirt, sweatshirt and a mask. *I got sick twice so I'm taking extra precaution* But they went off on me, even tackled some of my flaws and told me I needed to take out the trash. 

It was jus. Surrealll? And I just was heading on to wash my hands. But I did what I was told and I took the trash out to the dump. I needed to get some fresh air anyway. Let the coolness of the soon-to-be-night sky cleanse me from all the negative energy that was spat at me. 

Glad its daylight savings time where I'm at. Nightfall comes early, I can see the stars, watch my neighbors go out n about with their dogs on their walks. Stumble upon 2 Raccoons at different spots. And get to see my neighbors festive Chrismas decorations and trees. One of them had this light up inflatable snowman on their balcony! Very festive!

Did a audio journal recording of what just occur. Normally I would write it down in a journal journal. However, Gothel-Cathal discover both my journal and backup journal. It didn't end well for both of them, lot of tears and heartache. So its audio journal recordings for now. My gratitude to you technology!

Had to stay outside alittle bit longer just to calm myself down enough to face whatever lies ahead. 

After taking another set of deep breaths and having to recite prayers and hymns to specific goddess and gods of the night and more. Plus listening to a Hathor/Het-Heru hour frequency. I made my dinner and got back to tinkering. 

I had a series of goals: be more self reliant when it comes to expanding my income and working towards being debt free. Among other things like getting into a better living environment, start my Solo Traveling, be more in tune with my spirituality practice and continue to do personal/self development journey and etc. Each one I'm working towards one day at a time. To not overwhelmed myself. 

I made attempts before in the past and some of them didn't and well. Despite the setbacks, I was willing to get up and try, try, try!~~

This lead to an entrepreneur named Rachel Bell. Who started her 7-figure business using social media marketing as one of her strong suits. She does coaching to help other entrepreneurs, coaches, consultants and other service providers to help grow their Instagram and other socials too. I stumble upon her podcast after taking a quiz on Google's Digital Marketing Course. *Also a couple of angel signs leading me to her so there that...My gratitude goes to my spirit team for leading me to her*

Her Podcast "Payday With Rayray" was delightful to hear. Took some notes too. Halfway through, the podcast started to freeze but that's fine either way, I would just take the 3 hacks and test them out. I like to sharing my notes with all of you too. If you are open to it, U can check out her podcast here: "Payday with Rayray Episode 3". 

I will be honest, I'm...kinda of...scare. To start over again. This isn't my first adventure on trying to start my own thing in order to not be so reliant on a job. But I have some hope it will work out, just have to do the best I can.   


Obviously, she doesn't mean shrink yourself to a microscopic level to explore your clients mind to see what they're thinking 24/7. That be weird! Unless its one of Ms. Frizzly famous school trips then have fun! 

Ray talks about in order to write and create content that would lead to a sell not only by inspiration, it has to make the "Ideal Client Avatar(ICA)" feel seen and heard. From their inner dialogue, biggest fears, embarrassments, beliefs, whatever they are going through on a daily basis, especially pain points. 

Safe to say we all have gone or are currently going through some pain points. It could range from: someone who really wants to tap into their dark feminine energy but doesn't know if they are ready for it, can they handle it or how to tap into it. Or someone had started their journey to be a vegan to improve their health and body but are not supported by the people around their current circle. Or an artist who got sooooo burnt out from creating art that they had to take a 3 year break, felt refreshed and confident to create art again and post it only to fear on what everyone would say about it. Getting more frustrated for not taking the risk.

She encouraging us coaches, freelancers, entrepreneurs, creators, dreamers, wanders, boss babes, change makers, service providers and all. To dive deep into the ICA mind on what they think on a regular basis, address it in the content, and express it. Be advise DO NOT write content that stems around what you want to see or expect your client conscious level should be on, nor the one you are in(unless it works for you, then by all mean continue to do you, BooBoo!). Overall, write it at their level so you can help them advance to the next.

Let say you want to get into real estate, it pipque your interest and are following someone on instagram who make content about real estate. The content is great, they talk the talk and walk the walk, share the best tips, tricks, and all.

The problem: their content was made for those who are already have been in the industry for awhile. Not best suited for those who are just starting out or dipping their toes into the real estate pond. 

Or expecting your baby fresh from the womb to become a doctor. Okay, maybe thats not a good analaogy but it still stands

If we are being honest, its great to see content of "What Could Be", giving us an insight if we were to be consistent and committed to whatever we pursue. Rayray best puts it, we are seeking something thats practical, tactical, supports the mindest we are in that current moment, something that make us feel ease when taking the first step to change. 

This will most likly would make ICA want to work with so you can reach the more advance higher level. 

Going in deeper, making content that your ICA would need to see on a day to day basis. *So it can be a sell, not JUST be inpsiring content!~* The fiest thought that comes in the morning, or some issue they have with this thing they cant get around. Thoughts, habits, questions, curiosity, etc.

Above all, when it comes down to it you need to show compassion, emapthy and understanding. With some encouragement. So your ICA knows you do understand and are there to help them get through whatever pops up in the process. We are a work in progress to do better and its enough when you still contine to take action moving forward. 

Major points if you do this effecitenly and its simple to do.

This is just Hack 1, the others will be shared next day. For now, I want to take the time to know what is my ICA? 

What can I offer to them? 

What services and products that I can provide for them?

Do you know what your ICA? If your comfortable share it in the comments. If you dont know, thats fine too. Let us both tinker away at it together!

She also suggest some free resources to better under Direct Response Cooywriting and improve messages.

This is Lady Wander signing off for now, got some wandering to do. Happy Wandering!

Copy Writing Formulas Site 

Improve Messages Site 

E-riting Collection

  Writing For The Soul Writing The Treehouse Climate Action Poem Prize I have been on this Earth for some time now, long enough to have noti...